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Written by Anonymous ?? |
Monday, 19 November 2012 06:37 |
There are a slew of replica Chanel handbags in the market today and unfortunately, so many people are still begin sweet-talked into buying one because they don???t really know how to spot the genuine article from the fake. It must be said, however, that some people don???t understand that what theyare buying is an imitation but they do it anyway because it is cheap and they get to enjoy the status symbol, although for very wrong reasons. No. 1: It???s Going to Cost You This top rule is pretty obvious but it bears repeating because people still believe they can get discounts from some stores for any Chanel products. The truth of the matter is this: there are no discounts for a real Chanel handbag. Christmas or Thanksgiving may come and go, the shopping mall may have a yearend sale, even Hanukkah will pass by and you won???t see official Chanel distributors slashing a price off a Chanel. It just doesn???t happen. So it???s already a dead giveaway when somebody offers you a cheap Chanel. No. 2: Study the Stitches Chanel handbags are handcrafted by highly skilled craftsmen. The product control is also unsurpassed as each piece goes through a rigorous check to see if it matches the exact specifications of the bag maker. The precision is very high, down to the last stitch sown on the exterior and interior of the bag. Count the stitches and you will find that they have the same number of loops. No. 3: The Leather The leather is unlike any other. You can immediately tell a Chanel replica handbag by the quality of leather. Although the raw material used in a genuine bag is common???such as lambskin for example???the tanning method is considered a company secret. The procedure manages to keep the leather so velvety but the exterior seems to be alive. This is the reason that while other bags will suggest conditioners to clean the hide, Chanel doesn???t recommend to the owner to put anything on the skin. You can purchase a Chanel handbag today and it will still look as new five years later. No. 4: The Hologram An authentic Chanel handbag has a hologram sticker with numbers that match with the authenticity card. It can be found inside the bag, typically attached to a leather tab. The specialized process makes it nearly impossible to take the sticker out without damaging the bag. Author of this article is an experienced writer and she has written many articles on Best Quality Chanel Handbags and Accessories. Here she provides some tips to Spot Chanel Replica Products.
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Last Updated on Monday, 19 November 2012 06:37 |
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Source: http://www.workoninternet.com/business/reviews/miscellaneous/219927-article.html
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