Friday 28 September 2012

5 Tips to Protect Your Deceased Relative's Identity - Estate Planning ...

Guest post by Jennifer K. Halford, Esq.

Having your identity stolen is a horrible experience. It can take months of corresponding with the three credit bureaus to fix your credit report. Plus, you feel violated and vulnerable.

Yet, it is even more heartbreaking when identity thieves take advantage of the deceased.

The increase of identity theft for deceased individuals is alarming. And it is the last thing you want to worry about when grieving the loss of a family member.

Be sure to do these five things to avoid the theft of you deceased loved one's identity:

1. Secure important documents: An individual has many personal and financial documents. Locate your deceased relative's bills, account statements, bank statements, and hospital records. Place those you need in a safe location and limit access to family members. Then shred the documents that are no longer needed.

Be sure to also gather the deceased's wallet, state issued identification card, and social security card. Place all of these items in a secure location.

2. Contact creditors: Notify all banks, credit card companies, and mortgage companies of your family member's death. Most will require a certified copy of a death certificate as proof that he or she is deceased.

Outstanding accounts and debts will need to be paid by the estate. But be wary of any debt collectors that contact you. Never provide any personal information about your deceased relative to anyone claiming to be a creditor. The executor of your family member's estate should arrange for payment and the closing of each account.

3. Notify the 3 credit bureaus: Request that the three credit reporting bureaus place a warning on your family member's credit report that he or she is deceased and that no credit should be issued. Then obtain a copy of your family member's credit report to make sure you have contacted all creditors.

4. Notify other governmental agencies: Notify the Social Security Administration, Veteran's Administration, and Department of Motor Vehicles of your loved one's passing.

5. Keep the obituary short: Don't give away personal information such as the deceased's birthdate or mother's maiden name. Identity thieves use this type of information to set up accounts.

Don't let your deceased loved one's identify be stolen. Take these precautions to protect his or her identity and to avoid further heartache.

Jennifer K. Halford is an attorney who has practiced in the areas of business law and estate planning.


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Thursday 27 September 2012

Interview with Author of "BlackJack Domination" | Wall Street Oasis

This is Part One of an interview with Derek Sutta, author of the ebook ?BlackJack Domination? which is a fully comprehensive and interactive guide to learning to count cards. Co-authored by an MIT wizard who has been the main inspiration for several casino films and a blackjack player who has won over $100,000 in blackjack at casinos to date.

Derek has helped run a startup, completed an MBA, worked in strategy consulting and now works in business development.

Tell me a bit about the background of yourself and Open Air Publishing
My background is probably quite typical of what you would see on Wall Street Oasis. I went to a top private university in the US, studied Economics and went on to do strategy consulting. I then helped run a startup before going to Wharton business school.

I got into card counting while I was doing consulting and just fell in love with the mathematics of it. It?s almost entrepreneurial. Quite a traditional path I guess. Currently I?m doing business development alongside authoring. I actually wrote the book while still in business school. I contacted Open Air Publishing just for some friendly advice on the best way to market my book and how the publishing business worked and they loved our content so the whole act of getting published turned out to be quite easy for me.

Why did you decide to take the risk of starting your own company rather than join an existing one?

I was in a startup in 2009 when the economy was pretty bad so things weren't great in terms of being at a big company; the projects weren?t super interesting, the bonuses weren?t great so if there was a time to take the risk, for me personally that was it. It was just great to get something off the ground and felt right.

If you?re not tied down to anything I still think it?s a good time to try and get your own company off the ground but it?s a very personal choice and has to be right for you. It doesn?t make sense for me to do it again right now.

What are some of the main obstacles you have to overcome when working at a startup?

Figuring out what?s most important and figuring out what to do with downtime ? knowing how to prioritize and how to be productive all of the time. New stuff constantly comes up and you?re still working on some of the old stuff and you have to decide how to shift your focus. You don?t have a boss telling you what to do so you have to make all the decisions yourself.

Would you recommend doing an MBA for people looking to start their own business? What about in general?

In general yes, for me it was great. Again it?s a very personal choice and it depends on what you?re trying to achieve. If you don?t have an idea it can be a great way to meet people. If you already have a business plan and know what you want to do, take that money you?d put into business school and just invest it in the company. It really is entirely down to personal circumstance. You?ll find a lot of business people at business school but not very many technical people so you?ll grow your network in one way but find holes in another part of it.

Stay tuned for part 2 next week where we discuss the ebook industry, card counting and blackjack. For more information on the book visit


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Social media planning | Content calendar | Marketing Works ...

Tips for Achieving Successful Content Strategy

Posted by: Melissa H. | Posted on: September 26th, 2012 | 0 Comments

social media planningMore often than not, businesses lack a formal content calendar for platforms such as social media, blogs, websites, etc. Typically businesses either don?t understand the purpose and value of a content calendar, they don?t have the in-house resources to create and manage this calendar, or both. The consequence results in last minute scrambling to put content out there just for the sake of having an online presence.

A successful content marketing plan should be well-thought out and strategic. Sporadic communication can actually do more harm than good. By not communicating regularly and providing valuable, relevant content, you risk losing your band of followers and ?fans.?

An experienced, strategic-minded marketing partner can help educate businesses on the importance of a content calendar as well as what goes in to creating and implementing one.

In addition to being reviewed and updated at least once a quarter, a content calendar should include:

  • A list of business- and/or industry-related news and events. In order to grow your online presence, it is imperative that content stays current and relevant for different audiences.
  • A list of ?evergreen? topics. These topics don?t change with time and can come in handy in the event your business experiences some ?down time? and can include: trivia, contests, testimonials, photos, tips, discount offers (if applicable), etc.
  • Who is responsible for writing the content? The benefits of knowing who is responsible for writing the content include better overall planning and team accountability.
  • The publishing deadline. Knowing when content needs to be completed and published helps the team plan ahead, resulting in a more efficient process.
  • A breakdown of topics by ?channel? or ?audience.? What might be appropriate for one audience may not be relevant to another. For example, if you post content on Twitter, the same topic may sound completely foreign and irrelevant if you post on say, LinkedIn.

While it?s necessary to talk about news and events as they happen, having a content calendar gives your business something to talk about during the down times. This in turn keeps your communication lines open, consistent and relevant.

Does your business currently have a strategic content calendar in place? Has your business been recently struggling with regular communication? We can help! Contact us today.


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The Power of Relationship Marketing | Auto Shop Management Blog

Auto Shop Management Blog ? ? The Power of Relationship Marketing

The Power of Relationship Marketing

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Marketing and advertising focus on eliciting a desired reaction from prospective or existing customers. When people are exposed to marketing images and information they interpret the message conveyed and absorb it based on their own understanding. Thus they formulate a conclusion as to what their relationship with the business communicating the message is or will be. Effective marketing focuses on the areas of greatest interest to the target audience. The best marketing messages convey a relationship that supports those interests. Every business markets to build new or sustain existing business. Business with new and existing customers is predicated on relationships. Employing marketing messages that promote relationships can be the most powerful path to long term success.

Defining Relationships

In all marketing efforts the most important step is to define the target market. Knowing the target audience allows definition of the most important aspects of the relationship between service provider and customer. Understanding what the customers value in the relationship allows the business to focus on providing those core benefits and build communications that send the right message. The primary purpose of the relationship should be supported and enhanced through all forms of communication. A customer may be looking for safety and reliability. They may be an enthusiast or be interested in performance. Whatever the focus is ? marketing efforts that support that relationship will be the most successful.

Message Communication

Every interaction with a prospect or customer is a marketing opportunity. More specifically every time a person is exposed to a service or product a message is delivered. And every time a message is absorbed by a customer the idea of their place in the relationship is formed or reinforced. Advertisements and customer relationship support systems are direct efforts at establishing and maintaining business relationships. Other areas that customers receive messages are the appearance of the building, customer waiting room, signage, etc. Communications such as emails, phone calls, and in person conversations are also venues for relationship reinforcement. Documents such as estimates and invoices communicate the identity of the business and its relationship with customers. Company websites and social media such as Facebook also establish and support customer relationships. Every communication should support the basis of the relationship.

Monitoring the Message

Relationship marketing is based on understanding the primary objectives of the customer in engaging and continuing a relationship with a service provider. To ensure that the relationship message is communicated effectively all avenues of communication should be evaluated and modified if necessary. Marketing focused on relationships as opposed to marketing to stimulate sales transactions can be equated to putting the horse before the cart. Sales occur as a result of the relationship as opposed to the relationship being part of the sales transaction. Relationship marketing is a powerful factor in achieving long term success.


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Tuesday 25 September 2012

Pre-Life Chemistry Happens At Space Temperatures

60-Second Space

UV light, which radiates from stars and galaxies, can induce rapid changes in icy hydrocarbon molecules cooled to 5 kelvin, as on a comet. John Matson reports.

More 60-Second Space

Icy objects such as comets may have helped start life on Earth by delivering water and carbon-based molecules to the young planet. Because putting something on ice doesn?t necessarily keep it from changing: a new study finds that even in frigid, deep space environments, simple hydrocarbon molecules can react to become more complex ones. The process even works when temperatures drop to near absolute zero.

But just what kind of organic molecules would exist on the icy bodies of a forming solar system? Researchers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, investigated how organic molecules might evolve toward greater complexity even in the cold of interstellar space.

The scientists found that ultraviolet light, which radiates from stars and galaxies, can induce rapid changes in icy hydrocarbon molecules cooled to 5 kelvin?that?s a frosty minus 451 degrees Fahrenheit.

The chemical reactions resulted in molecules of more complexity?which is the right direction to go if you want to eventually make amino acids and biological molecules. The study appears in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. [Murthy S. Gudipati1 and Rui Yang, In-Situ Probing of Radiation-Induced Processing of Organics in Astrophysical Ice Analogs?Novel Laser Desorption Laser Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectroscopic Studies]

It just goes to show?if you really want to freeze something in place, you?d better encase it in carbonite.

?John Matson

[The above text is a transcript of this podcast]


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Big Mess o' Wires ? A New Kind of Video Game Console

A few months ago I posted a long essay on my professional future. Should I try to make a career of BMOW blogging? Find an electronics industry job? Return to video game development? Launch a start-up company? Since then I?ve been engaged in many parallel paths, trying to do all those things at once. I?ve drafted business plans, pitched to Sand Hill Road venture capitalists, taken countless coffee meetings with angel investors, rubbed elbows at meet-ups, and generally abused my network of friends, their friends, and their friends? friends for any worthwhile leads on interesting opportunities. It?s been a crazy, exciting, and confusing time.

I?m happy to say that all those parallel paths have finally converged, and this week I joined Kickstarter wonderkid OUYA as Head of Engineering! It?s software + hardware + games, and I could hardly imagine a better opportunity.?OUYA is a $99 video game console, based on the Android OS, where all the games are free downloads. By removing the roadblocks associated with traditional console development, it opens up the TV as a platform to smaller indie developers for the first time. Every OUYA console is also a dev kit, so there?s nothing more to buy.?It?s built on Android, so developers already know how it works. Gamers benefit from increased variety and the ability to try any game in the OUYA catalog before purchasing additional in-game content. Hackers are welcome, and rooting won?t void your warranty.

The hardware is based on the Tegra 3 SoC, which combines a quad-core ARM processor with an nVidia GeForce GPU. This is the same chip used in Android tablets like the Google Nexus 7 and?Asus Transformer Prime. Those who don?t follow mobile technology closely will be amazed at how powerful this hardware is. Placed in a game console with HDMI output, and freed from concerns about battery life, the Tegra 3 can compete on the level of the Playstation 3 and XBox 360. The bluetooth controller combines analog sticks, buttons, and a touchpad, and boasts a beautiful industrial design from fuseproject?s?Yves Behar.

OUYA launched its Kickstarter campaign earlier this summer, and blew past its funding goal within the first few hours, eventually raising more than $8 million in pledges and pre-orders. The response from both gamers and developers has been overwhelming. Clearly the OUYA concept has struck a chord within the community.?There?s been some understandable skepticism about OUYA in the press, suggesting it?s a group of well-meaning amateurs with no hope of actually delivering on its promises. But after digging into the details myself and getting to know the leaders of the company, I can tell you nothing could be further from the truth. I?m confident in betting my own future on its success.

This is a hardware blog, so I need to emphasize that I?ll be running the software development part of OUYA?s business. The hardware development is in the capable hands of?Muffi Ghadiali, a veteran of past consumer electronics projects such as the Kindle Fire and HP TouchSmart computer. nVidia and its Asian manufacutering partners are also a huge source of assistance. So I won?t be breaking out my soldering iron at the office, but my background in electronics means that I can work effectively with the hardware team. And I get to geek out with pre-release hw prototypes!

My task is to finish development of the OUYA SDK, the console?s browser/store interface, the developer portal web site, the payment system, and all the other technology that?s needed for the March 2013 launch. I?ll be doing all this with a team operating from a satellite office in the San Francisco Bay Area (marketing, sales, and OUYA?s corporate office are in Los Angeles). This is much the same kind of work I?ve done in the past at Trion Worlds and Electronic Arts. At Trion we built the MMO RIFT, which was a great experience in leading a team to build a complex online service from scratch. And at EA I created many console games for the Playstation, XBox, and other systems, and I know what a pain it is to deal with the balky dev kits, tools, and mind-numbing technical requirements. I?m thrilled to be introducing a new kind of video game console that will open up the TV platform like never before.






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Monday 24 September 2012

Tips to Find a Legitimate Work at Home Business Opportunity ...

Is it possible to find legitimate home-based businesses that guide you to profitable income without getting scammed? Yes! With a lot of home business opportunities offered everywhere these days, it?s essential for you to search out a legitimate one. Through genuine home business, you will absolutely manage your work or business quietly and you are assured that you?ll make money without any scams. That is the best advantage you?ll receive from a real home business.

Work at home jobs and home businesses are becoming more prevalent through past years and up to now. In fact, the U.S. Department of Labor has projected that by 2025 approximately two-thirds of Americans may perhaps work from home. A number of individuals will be employed by businesses using work at home workers and a number of them will start their own home businesses.

Working at home is a good way to make some decent money while remaining in the comfort of your home, especially when you?re working with a legitimate one. It?s fun to begin working at home, particularly when you realize that you?ll be certain to make a good income from it. Here are the some tips on how to find a legitimate work at home business opportunity without getting scammed.

Doing research about the opportunity is a wise move. Investigate the company thoroughly and find out all the significant things you should know, for example how long has the company been in business, what type of support does the business provide you, the training required, and further significant facts you have to know in order to be certain it?s a legitimate opportunity.

Do not opt for any get rich-quick idea. Those are the companies that will assert that without doing any work, you can make a lot of money. Once you come across this one, it?s definitely not a legitimate one. Keep looking.

It surely can be difficult for you to discover a real one when there are so many opportunities out there. In order for you to find the genuine article, it?s essential to know everything about the particular program and to communicate with those who are already involved with the program. Those folks can give you the information you need, or even some positive or negative feedback about the program. That way, you?ll know the risks that you might perhaps take by joining the program.

To decide that it?s one of the genuine home businesses, you should join only a stable and developing program that offers excellent support and training. It has to be a well established business, including proven marketing strategies and a support system required in building a lucrative and solid business.

Abide by these tips, and you?ll surely discover the genuine work at home business that you truly want and one that won?t be a scam. If you are well-informed and prepared with useful tips, you?re certain that you?ll only get into a legitimate business. With a bonafide home business, your bank account will certainly make a big transformation and you?ll definitely love it.

For more detailed information about any work at home business opportunity, try visiting, a popular home business site that has tips and information about internet business, affiliate, money blog, and more. You can also sign up to receive a free Home Business ebook and newsletter.

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World Health Organisation says has found new SARS-like virus

LONDON (Reuters) - A new virus belonging to the same family as the SARS virus that killed 800 people in 2002 has been identified in Britain in a man who had recently been in Saudi Arabia, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Sunday.

The United Nations health body, which issued a statement through its "global alert and response" system, said tests on the patient, a 49-year-old Qatari man, confirmed the presence of a new, or novel, coronavirus.

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which includes the common cold and SARS.

"Given that this is a novel coronavirus, WHO is currently in the process of obtaining further information to determine the public health implications," the statement said.

SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, appeared in China in 2002 and killed some 800 people globally before being brought under control.

Peter Openshaw, director of the Centre for Respiratory Infection at Imperial College London, said at this stage the novel virus looked unlikely to prove a concern, and may well only have been identified due to sophisticated testing techniques.

"For now, I would be watchful but not immediately concerned," he told Reuters.

The WHO said the Qatari patient had first presented to doctors on September 3, 2012 with symptoms of an acute respiratory infection.

On September 7, he was admitted to an intensive care unit in Doha, Qatar, and on September 11, he was transferred to Britain by air ambulance from Qatar.

"The Health Protection Agency of the UK conducted laboratory testing and has confirmed the presence of a novel coronavirus," the WHO said.

It said scientists at the HPA compared gene sequences of the virus from the Qatari patient with samples of virus sequenced by Dutch scientists from lung tissue of a fatal case earlier this year in a 60-year-old Saudi national.

The two were almost identical, it said.

Openshaw said the fact the two cases found so far are apparently unrelated suggests "that what has been picked up is just some rare event that in past times might have been undiagnosed".

But he added: "Any evidence of sustained human-to-human transmission or of contact would be more worrying, raising the worry that another SARS-like agent could be emerging."

The WHO said it was not recommending any travel restrictions but would be seeking further information on the virus.

(Reporting by Kate Kelland; Editing by Sophie Hares)


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Will Tax Increases on Dividends be a Non-Event? - Value Investing ...

Expiration of Bush Tax cuts a non-event?

The immediate concern for dividend paying stocks is the expiration of the Bush era tax cuts. Dividends will be taxed again as ordinary income and at much higher rates.

If tax rates rise as scheduled, taxpayers in the top marginal income tax bracket could see the tax on their qualified dividend payments rise from 15% in 2012 to 39.6%. Factoring in of the scheduled Medicare tax on net investment income of 3.8%, and the personal exemption phaseout and limitation on itemized deductions, the total tax on dividends could reach 43.4% in 2013.

The question becomes will higher taxes on dividends cause investors to abandon their dividend paying stocks or will it be a non-event?

Fidelity highlights several reasons as to why it could be a non-event.

Historical Performance

If tax rates are a significant driver of performance for dividend paying stocks then dividend paying stocks should have outperformed the market after the Bush tax cuts went into effect. They did not.

The research team divided the market into five groups based on the size of the stocks? dividend yield. If dividend tax rates meaningfully affected dividend stocks? performance, the expectation would be that the highest-yielding stocks led the market around the time of the 2003 tax cut. The researchers found no such evidence.

Image courtesy of Fidelity. Click image to enlarge.


The second reason why this could be a non-event is who holds dividend paying stocks and how they are held.

A large portion of equity assets are held within tax-deferred and tax exempt accounts.

Start with the fact that in 2010, 34.4% of investors? equity assets sat in tax-advantaged accounts such as IRAs and 401(k)s. A dividend rate increase has no impact on those accounts. If dividend rates do rise, investors might want to sell the dividend stocks they hold in taxable accounts, but they could easily replace them by buying shares in tax-advantaged accounts.

Also the majority of dividend income went to the top marginal tax bracket, over 56%, but only 3.3% of the their income comes from dividends. As the author states, while the tax rate on dividends is a large jump it will have a minimal affect on the total income and tax bill to the top tax bracket.

The authors also highlight several reasons why investors, especially retirees, will still want to accumulate high quality dividend paying stocks regardless of the tax policy. Read them after the jump.

Dividends and Taxes: Why market forces may continue to support dividend-paying stocks (Fidelity)

Related posts:

  1. Pepsi Increases its Dividend
  2. Fallen Angels Report: Under the Radar ~ People Over 60 are Buying Stocks Again
  3. Avoid the Yield Trap


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3Taps Is Planning To File A Countersuit Against Craigslist Tomorrow, Citing Antitrust Laws And Uncompetitive Behavior

powered by 3tapsThe legal fight between mega-listings site Craigslist and third parties that have used its data in their own applications looks like it is taking on a new dimension this week. 3Taps, the company sued by Craigslist in July?over 3Taps' Craigslist data?API,?is planning to file a countersuit against Craigslist, citing unfair and uncompetitive business practices in violation of federal and state antitrust laws, TechCrunch has learned.?The suit will be filed in Federal Court in the Northern District of California on Monday. At issue is the claim that the information on Craigslist is already publicly available through searches on sites like Google. Here's one example:


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Saturday 22 September 2012

IHRSA - Home - Good reads can assist in reaching goals

It?s one thing to tie up the sneakers and hit the gym. But understanding why and how to do it, as well as how great athletes got to where they are, can make a huge difference.? has compiled 27 books in six categories ? two of them Fitness and Running - that offer different takes on fitness, health and wellness. Two other categories ? Cookbooks and Nutrition ? are directly related to fitness.?

Examples include ?The First 20 Minutes? by Gretchen Reynolds, a New York Times writer who will help readers accomplish any fitness goal; and ?Running With the Mind of Meditation? which helps improve patience, energy and focus while running.?


Adidas looking to get Reebok?s sales in shape

With new owner Adidas, Reebok will now concentrate on the fitness industry.

With the elimination of Reebok?s global president and the decision to not to renew its licensing agreement with the National Football League, Adidas instead will concentrate on fitness running, gym, yoga, and dance for the Massachusetts-based company.?


How to get back millions of cancelled memberships

IHRSA?s research that shows club membership has increased 8 million, to 50 million, in the past five years. But some industry experts put attrition rates at 30%. That means about 67 million have tossed their memberships over the past five years. If you take the 30,000 health clubs out there, that?s about 2,000 members from each club terminating their memberships.

Some suggestions from one blog include alumni and guest passes, incentives to re-join, provide information on exercising and opportunities in the community, send club collateral ? newsletters, pamphlets, etc. - for free.

The blogger went on to suggest, as the club, to not require lock-in contracts, llow members to cancel at any time, 100% money back after first 30 days and no fees to cancel, to name a few.?


Hoist to acquire Lemond

There have been industry-wide rumors that Lemond Fitness was on the market. At the recent Health & Fitness Business Expo in Las Vegas, it was divulged who is the buyer.

Hoist confirmed on Tuesday that it will purchase the company and produce the products in its San Diego plant.?


More Americans exercising compared to last year

August saw more people exercising than past years, according to a Gallup and Healthways poll. That makes it seven of the eight months in 2012 with increases over the same months in the previous four years.?

Gallup and Healthways asked 1,000 adults how many days in the past week they exercised at least 30 minutes. More than half of those polled in August (54.7%) replied that they exercised frequently ? at least 3-4 days in a week.?

Those numbers bode well for overall gym usage for 2012. According to IHRSA reports, health club usage reached an all-time high in 2011 with ?an average of 102.5 visits oer year. And the number of "core" members ? those who use the club at least 100 times a year - grew by 17.6% from 2008-2011. There were 20.5 million core members in 2008, 24.1 million in 2011.??

"IHRSA's Health Club Consumer Report indicates that an increasing number of members have exercised frequently at health clubs over the past few years,? said Melissa Rodriguez, IHRSA Senior Research manager. ?As hubs of physical activity, health clubs provide the amenities and support many need to exercise on a consistent basis and reap the rewards of regular activity."?

?Poll shows increase in exercising (IHRSA blog)






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Beauty is of the Body, Spirit and Mind -Iwo

uggling between being the makeover artist of Mtn Project Fame Season Two in 2009 till date and motherhood,Aruoriwo Akinyoyenu is also a lecturer at Lufudo Academy of Performing Arts (LAPA) owned by Joke Silva and Olu Jacobs and a mother.

Iwo, short for Aruoiwo is passionate about beauty and wellness. Her gospel is that beauty is of the body, spirit and? mind. In this interview, she talks about her eCADEMY coming out in October, her desire to mentor, inspire and train young people in the creative industry, her personal health maintenance and her? family.


My Business/Passion

Erumu Creations is a beauty and wellness consultation company dedicated to the beauty of the spirit, mind and body and creating an experience that revives, renews and rejuvenates. Our services include meal plan, fitness programmes, skin care and makeup. Our packages are dynamic, and tailored to suit each client.We are not the first, do not claim to be the best but we try to do the right thing each time.

What inspires the name Erumu

Erumu was given to me by my dad at birth as a consolation. I was told that I looked nothing near beautiful (laughing? ). Well, my dad saw into the future because today Erumu has a purpose.? It is an Urhobo name that means beautiful (smiles).

Passion converted into money


I?ve finally learnt how to convert my passion into a profitable venture,thanks to Goldman Sachs scholarship programme offered by Enterprise Development Centre of Pan-African University. It was a life changing experience. Before then, all I did was a glorified hubby (laughs).

My name

My name is Aruoriwo Akinyoyenu. I am from Uvwie local government area in Delta State.

My family?s support

Well at first, it was tough because they couldn?t understand my kind of person. When you are creative, it is mistaken sometimes for unseriousness especially since you can do so many things at the same time. Today, my family supports me 200%. In fact, my immediate elder brother is my brand consultant/creative director. My elder sister is my mentor/business advisor, my parents are my greatest fans, my other siblings are proud to have me as a sister. It?s just fulfilling.

How prepared l was? before this venture

I was opportuned to be trained by one of the best makeup artists in Budapest, Hungary. Her name is Rita Bala. I have also been mentored for over eight years by Modupe Tanimomo of B.A.B.E Makeup, a US and UK certified makeup artist with over 15 years? experience. I have also worked as a fitness instructor in several gyms and have been part of my parent?s journey to a healthier and happier life.

The? challenges

As a business person, you are constantly faced with challenges. It?s just that the dynamics change with time;? from carving a niche for yourself; to getting brand visibility; to maintaining high standards especially for the fact that the industry is highly saturated at the moment.

Plans in the nearest future

We are working on launching eCADEMY in October, a program that focuses on makeup, art and enterprise to inspire, train and mentor talented creative individuals. It is beyond just makeup. The 4-weeks programme serves as the foundation entry level for makeup artists. We are committed to helping each participant embrace the ?processes? in becoming a professional makeup artist as well as embracing the spirit of enterprise. Beyond just the skill and creativity, each participant will also be taught the foundation in financial intelligence, entrepreneurship, communication, temperament analysis/passion/purpose, and the essence of mentoring.

Family and work

It has not been easy especially when there are projects that take me away from home. God has blessed me with an amazing husband and daughter. They have been so supportive. I am just overly blessed.

My project with MTN Project Fame

God has been faithful. This is the fourth season we?ve been on this project. It has been none but God. This platform has been the most rewarding so far in exposure, experience, professionalism and even financially (laughs). It has helped us to thrive for excellence and be the best in this industry. It is very different in terms of work schedule, very demanding but so much fun. I work with a team of about 12 people. It?s been a learning curve as a leader too. I?m looking forward to more projects of such in Jesus name!

Jobs done in the past

I have worked with a number of magazines?Genevieve, TW, Glam , Essence, Elan of 234 Next and a host of others. I lecture at LAPA (Lufudo Academy of Performing Arts) owned by Joke Silva and Olu Jacobs.? We are currently working with Kaffy on her Dance Burnout Project and other great names.

A project done in the past

By the grace of God, we organised a seminar tagged ?Beauty Revealed?, a one day interactive seminar meant to empower the woman- mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, spiritually and financially. We have held three successful seminars, the last was on the 14th of July with the theme ?Walking In Heels: A Woman?s Guide to Balance? Over a hundred women were in attendance.

We are also working on our mini beauty magazine. We did a trial version and we are working to relaunch again. It?s called ?Beauty Revealed?. By God?s grace, we would be on air too. All we want to do is preach the gospel of beauty?spirit, mind and body.

My husband in all of these

By nature, he is a background person but very thorough. Whatever idea we have, we make sure to run by him. He is always supportive, he has never shut down any idea I bring. He ensures that he bends back? in order to see that whatever we venture into is successful. I am just too blessed.

My beauty tips

It?s part of who I am. I cleanse, tone and moisturize every night. Even if I dare forget, my husband and daughter will not spare me (laughing). On a serious note, makeup causes more harm to the skin than just making you look beautiful. Going to bed with makeup is adding three days to your age amongst all the other negative benefits, for example, clogged pores and the other anomalies that would occur in the nearest future.? Also, the best time the skin is nourished is at night so I must make the most of it.

Workout plan

Once upon a time, I was almost a size 14. Today I am a size 8. After delivery, I had to work it out. It wasn?t easy but today, it?s yielding great benefits. I am fit and fab and there?s no stopping me.

As a woman who lived a life that beautified all that came my way.

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Suspected Colo. movie theater gunman?s new look

James Holmes in jail photos from July and September (Arapahoe County Sheriff)

All eyes in the packed courtroom were trained on the door just to the left of the jury box. The feeling was tense as we waited to get our first look at the man suspected of committing one of the worst mass shootings in modern-day American history.

Perched on my tippy toes, I quickly scribbled in my reporter's notebook as James Holmes was escorted into the room.

"Armed deputies in royal blue."

"Looked down ? shackled in front."

"Maroon jumpsuit, curly red hair."

Three days earlier, 12 people were killed and 58 others wounded when police say Holmes went on a shooting rampage during a sold-out showing of Batman "The Dark Knight Rises. Some reported that Holmes told arresting officers he was "The Joker," the infamous villain from Batman movies.

In court, it appeared he was trying to look the part. His wavy hair was dyed a cartoonish orange-red. He appeared dazed. His eyes opened and closed often. His head bobbed.

Now eight weeks later, a contrastingly different Holmes arrived in court. Gone is the dyed hair and mutton chop sideburns.

Reporters at Thursday's hearing said the 24-year-old former neuroscience student looked around the room at lawyers and journalists, smiled, and seemed to follow the courtroom conversation. The Associated Press also wrote that he appeared to be moving his mouth but not actually talking.

At least one family member receiving updates about Holmes from the courtroom told the AP that the alleged gunman's demeanor was an act to appear mentally ill.

"He's just putting on a show," said Greg Medek of Aurora, whose daughter Micayla, 23, died in the shooting. "I don't think he's crazy. He's just evil."


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Friday 21 September 2012

Three dogs near death saved by Portsmouth Humane Society ...

Grace and Charlie?are near mirror images of each other.

Their horror story of malnourishment is a painfully sad case of Deja Vu for the Portsmouth Humane Society after they received a dog named Hope. She was left for dead, so weak she couldn?t walk.


People take action after dog found near death in?Portsmouth

Update: Emaciated dog found in Portsmouth continues to?recover

?They?re from three different locations in Portsmouth, but the condition is relatively the same? They?re skeletons with hair essentially,? said Executive Director Christie Chipps-Peters.

If Charlie hadn?t come in on Wednesday, he may not have made it.

Both are about a year old. It?s tough to tell whether at any point during their short lives they?ve gotten the TLC their sweet eyes beg for.

Marks show where bugs feasted on their ears.

?The flies, they just bite and bite and bite and once they get a spot they just keep going,? Peters said.

Their respective owners neglected the dogs so badly that the Humane Society says they would have been better off on their own.

?It?s the dogs that can?t get access to food, that are in someone?s yard, tied up to a chain that are left to die and it?s disgusting,? Peters said.

Hope was in even worse shape than these two, and she?s recovering nicely, which is keeping them optimistic that Charlie and Grace will soon be better than ever.

?They?re going to be in treatment together so maybe they?ll give each other courage.?


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Navigon and StreetPilot Onboard update adds public transport, Apple Maps and iPhone 5 support

Navigon and StreetPilot Onboard update adds Apple Maps integration and iPhone 5 support

Navigon's gearing up for tomorrow's big day by updating its, erm, Navigon and StreetPilot Onboard apps. The refreshed software adds support for the iPhone 5's new 4-inch display as well as baking in public transport listings to Cupertino's presently underwhelming mapping offering. It's also gaining the promised "last mile" function to record the location of your car when finishing your journey on foot, sparing you the embarrassment of getting lost in the multi-storey lot when you return. The company's offering a $10 discount on its apps if you pick 'em up before October 3rd, while the in-app purchase of Urban Guidance has been reduced from $5 to $3 for the same period.

Continue reading Navigon and StreetPilot Onboard update adds public transport, Apple Maps and iPhone 5 support

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Navigon and StreetPilot Onboard update adds public transport, Apple Maps and iPhone 5 support originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 20 Sep 2012 10:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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The DNC Is Suffering from a Slight Cash Disadvantage


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Thursday 20 September 2012

Patriots sign TE Winslow, re-sign WR Branch


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Judge blocks part of Texas effort to purge dead from voter roll (reuters)

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Wednesday 19 September 2012

Senators: Obama's Afghanistan drawdown contributes to insider attacks

By NBC News staff

The decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan and build up local forces ?as quickly as possible? has contributed to ?insider attacks,? three senators said Wednesday in a joint statement criticizing the Obama administration?s policies.

On Sunday, four U.S. soldiers were killed in an attack suspected of being carried out by members of the Afghan police; that came a day after two British soldiers were shot dead by an Afghan policeman.

On Monday, officials told NBC News that most joint U.S.-Afghan military operations had been suspended because of the attacks.

?We?re to the point now where we can?t trust these people,? a senior military official said.

US-Afghan military operations suspended after attacks

So far this year, 51 NATO troops have been killed in these so-called blue-on-green attacks.

Afghan security forces turned their guns on U.S. and NATO troops, killing four American soldiers and two British troops. NBC's Richard Engel reports.

On Wednesday, Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said in a statement that ?in light of the tragic recent attacks on U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, we understand and respect the rationale for scaling back combined operations between coalition and Afghan troops.?

?However, we also believe this decision raises questions about the broader strategy that the Obama administration has been pursuing in this conflict, especially with respect to its timetable for drawing down our military forces in Afghanistan,? they said.

Four US soldiers killed in Afghan 'insider' attack

The statement said the administration had ?repeatedly deployed fewer forces than our commanders recommended? over the last three years and ?is now drawing down those forces in larger numbers and at a faster pace than our commanders advised.?

?Our military leaders have testified to Congress that these decisions have put our mission in Afghanistan at greater risk, and those risks are now becoming more apparent,? the senators said. ?In particular, we are concerned that the rush to build up the Afghan National Security Forces as quickly as possible -- so that U.S. forces could begin withdrawing on the Administration's timetable -- has contributed to the problem of the so-called 'insider attacks'.?

They said President Barack Obama had said the drawdown of U.S. forces would be in response to conditions on the ground.

?We believe those conditions are now worrisome enough to justify an immediate suspension of further U.S. troop withdrawals at this time,? the senators said. ?The purpose of this 'strategic pause' should be to give our commanders time to evaluate the effects of recent troop withdrawals and to offer their best military advice on how we can achieve our goals in Afghanistan, while preventing further attacks on our forces and those of our allies. We cannot afford to rush to failure in Afghanistan.?

Responding to the statement, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said President Obama believes the transition to an Afghan security lead is "absolutely essential" after more than a decade of war.

"We have expended a great deal of blood and treasure in that effort," Carney said Wednesday. "And it is through the heroic and remarkable service of our men and women in uniform in particular that we are at a place now where Afghan security forces have developed capabilities and have developed the numbers that allows them to gradually take over security lead."

Carney added that the green-on-blue attacks are "a very concerning problem," and U.S. officials are working to protect against such attacks, but the transition process will not be affected.

NBC's Libby Leist and Ali Weinberg contributed to this report.

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'Following' Is A Must-Watch For Christopher Nolan Fans

"Memento" gets most—if not all—of the credit as the starting point for the Christopher Nolan we know today. Sure, the story of Leonard Shelby and his backwards chase to find his wife's killer catapulted Nolan into the realm of the indie darling, but his first film, "Following," marks the real beginning of the man who [...]


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Tuesday 18 September 2012

SiriusXM for Android update brings On Demand and offline listening

SiriusXM for Android update brings On Demand and offline listening

If you're an Android-toting SiriusXM fan, you've probably spent the last month wondering when your smartphone would get the newfound flexibility to tune in beyond live radio. As of Sirius XM's version 2.2 update, Android is back on equal footing. The upgrade supplies On Demand streaming, both for catch-up and the occasional classic, as well as downloadable copies to keep the music and talk flowing offline. As before, the access is considered a free perk of a SiriusXM subscription; if you enjoy Howard Stern's cynicism enough to want it at odd hours of the day, your angsty fix awaits at the source.

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SiriusXM for Android update brings On Demand and offline listening originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 17 Sep 2012 06:21:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Monday 17 September 2012

Panasonic Officially Introduces The Rugged, Pro-Focused Lumix GH3 Mirrorless Camera

panasonic-lumix-gh3Panasonic has officially introduced its successor to the GH2, the Lumix GH3 (via DPReview) a Micro Four Thirds camera that looks, and in many ways, behaves like a DSLR. The GH2 was a shooter that caught on with pros, especially due to its impressive video performance. In fact, many held it up as the standard to beat for more expensive cameras and supposedly more?professional?devices, including even the much more expensive 5D Mk II. Panasonic looks to hope to please the GH2's avid fan base with more pro-focused features, and a new 72Mbps codec for video capture that should do away with the imperfections AVCHD (used on most mirrorless cameras) introduces into the mix. The GH3 is definitely a beast, with a magnesium alloy body that pro shooters will find feels familiar to their DSLRs,?complete?with some degree of weather-resistance via dust- and splash-proof construction. It?gets?a slightly upgraded sensor, capable of 16.05MP capture with a native ISO range of 200 to 12,800, and an expanded range of 125 to 25,600. On the video front, in addition to the new high-bandwidth codec, the GH3 has no cap on recording time thanks to an internal layout designed to dissipate heat, and it can record in AVCHD, AVCHD Progressive, MP4, or MOV formats. The GH3 can also support an external mic via a 3.5mm stereo input jack, and also boasts another for headphone monitoring.


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Usher And Shakira To Take Over On 'The Voice'?

Us Weekly reports that Christina Aguilera and Cee Lo Green are leaving the panel after this season.
By Kara Warner

Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez/ Getty Images


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Twitter, Occupy, and the Rule of Law ? The Business Ethics Blog

As the 1-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street approaches, it looks as if Twitter is finally on the verge of handing some key protestor tweets over to a New York judge. The tweets have to do with the timing and planning of a march across a New York bridge, a march that ended in mass arrests.

And, even setting aside the legal consequences of failing to do so, it?s the right thing to do. Companies have a general obligation ? a part of good corporate citizenship in the most literal sense ? to obey the law. There are of course exceptions, for instance in situations approximating some form of civil disobedience. Civil disobedience is best thought of as a situation in which an individual, or perhaps a company, openly defies what it takes to be a bad law or an unjust legal ruling. In classic cases, the party engaging in the disobedience does so in an attempt to effect legal change, and shows its commitment by being willing to suffer the consequences of standing on principle.

Now, tech companies like Twitter do have a principled stance to take, here. They are rightly concerned about protecting users? data. But tweets are decidedly and emphatically public, so the present case is quite unlike the case of a company being asked to turn over customers? emails or other private communications.

Twitter is in a sense duty-bound, of course, to put up some resistance. Being overly cooperative with law enforcement tends to look bad on a tech company, even if it?s only because people fail to distinguish between private and non-private information, or fail to distinguish between New York and Beijing. But a year?s worth of resisting is likely sufficient for Twitter to show that it takes privacy seriously. It?s time for Twitter to do its duty as a good corporate citizen in a society governed by the rule of law.

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